Compare NEW C.A.P EBB-12 EBB & GRO 12 Site Hydroponic Sytems + Starter Kit Nutrients CAP
Information where to buy NEW C.A.P EBB-12 EBB & GRO 12 Site Hydroponic Sytems + Starter Kit Nutrients CAP and now avaliable for buy online The NEW C.A.P EBB-12 EBB & GRO 12 Site Hydroponic Sytems + Starter Kit Nutrients CAP getting popular cause many user using it
Individual pots (modules) allow you to easily move / relocate plants.Comes standard with 12 pots (Expandable to 48 pots).Each EBB-CTR controller can control from 6 up to 48 plant sites... plenty of room for expansion.Reservoir does not have to be lower than the plants.A smaller reservoir (55 gallons) can be used with less water compared to flood & drain tables..
NEW C.A.P EBB-12 EBB & GRO 12 Site Hydroponic Sytems + Starter Kit Nutrients CAP Feature:
Individual pots (modules) allow you to easily move / relocate plants Comes standard with 12 pots (Expandable to 48 pots) Each EBB-CTR controller can control from 6 up to 48 plant sites... plenty of room for expansion Reservoir does not have to be lower than the plants A smaller reservoir (55 gallons) can be used with less water compared to flood & drain tables

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