The ND1100042 Nutra-Dip continuous Tri meter (pH PPM & Temperature) it's best
Measures pH, temperature and TDS.Measures pH from 0-14.Measures TDS from 0-9990 ppm.Continuous montoring.Great for Hydroponics.. Just click here regarding total articles...
The Nutradip Tri-Meter combines the technology of the pH and TDS meters and addresses an additional key factor in hydroponic growing the temperature. Temperature in a nutrient solution is often wrongly overlooked. The temperature variance in a growing operation can significantly restrict the growth and yield of the plant(s). With no effort at all reliable continuous reading of TDS pH and temperature can simultaneously be monitored and correct levels can easily and reliably be maintained.
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ND1100042 Nutra-Dip continuous Tri meter (pH PPM & Temperature) low cost
Measures pH, temperature and TDS Measures pH from 0-14 Measures TDS from 0-9990 ppm Continuous montoring Great for Hydroponics
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