The 2.5 gal. - KoolBloom - Bloom Maximizer - Hydroponic Nutrient Solution - 0-10-10 NPK Ratio - General Hydroponics 732539 Product Descrition
- N-P-K Ratio: 0-10-10.Brand: General Hydroponics.- Volume: 2.5 gal..- Part No.: 732539.. Go here designed for maximum subject matter...
Liquid KoolBloom
• Forces abundant flowering.
• Boosts production of essential oils and fragrances.
• Increases size and weight of fruits and flowers.
• Precisely formulated to enhance the performance of all types of nutrients.
Liquid KoolBloom is a is a bulking agent that goes way beyond other bloom boosters. Enriched with stress reducing vitamins and nutrient transporting acids, Liquid KoolBloom promotes heavy production of essential oils, fantastic flavors, and increases fruiting and flower development.
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2.5 gal. - KoolBloom - Bloom Maximizer - Hydroponic Nutrient Solution - 0-10-10 NPK Ratio - General Hydroponics 732539 price comparisons
- N-P-K Ratio: 0-10-10 Brand: General Hydroponics - Volume: 2.5 gal. - Part No.: 732539
The 2.5 gal. - KoolBloom - Bloom Maximizer - Hydroponic Nutrient Solution - 0-10-10 NPK Ratio - General Hydroponics 732539 We highly recommend. once again we have already done research the best price for you.

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